This area spun out of a side plot I was musing over, and quite like how it turned out. It's nothing fancy - not many placeables - but happy with the mood and lighting.
So this area came about mainly as the result of the poll into cutscenes during dungeon crawling - so one I started led into a whole new branch of plot - optional but if completed will add a nice touch later on.
So, I finally got annoyed with myself on Friday - I'd let myself get too disorganised, and it was really slowing me down. Check out E.C.'s planning on Into the Forgotten Realms , Amraphael's bug hunting on Zork and Elysius' approach to Faithless as examples of building approaches - really puts my scribbled notes to shame. So I sat back and made a step by step list of everything that needs to be done in order to get this chapter finished, and put it all in perspective. Now, in theory I can work through and cross off each step as it's done. List isn't as daunting as I thought it might be, and a lot of it is dialogue/cutscenes, and rounding out the journal entries. I'm thinking about putting out an alpha version of the main quest minus some of these final touches to get the bug hunting underway - by mid-May if all goes to plan. Any willing playtesters, bug-hunters and proof-readers let me know!
One last thing - for builders, check out Dirtywick's advice on scripting creature AI - really handy stuff.
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