So I don't even have a voice for radio.. which I guess leaves writing..
Speaking of novelists - my main reason for posting is to highlight the imminent relesease of The Third Sign NWN2 novel conversion teaser from Hugie, based on the upcoming book from Gregory Wilson. Hugie had been planning a total book conversion, but with scope creep the way it is, and to coincide with the book's summer release, it'll be a 'teaser' of sorts to give people a feel for the story and the tone. I, with Indira Lightfoot, was only briefly involved in the periphary when Hugie looked for people to help with the project and couldn;t help as much as I would have liked due to time pressures, but having seen some of the detail going into Hugie and Greg's hybrid baby, and having had the priviledge of reading the novel prior to formal release, this is something to be excited about. It's also a unique approach to promote a book through the NWN2 module format, and to get a player involved in the character-driven story. The sheer amount of custom content including full voice acting for NPCs and specially composed music, makes this quite the tour-de-force. If people want a refresher on the background to the project, Hugie and Greg were interviewed for the (one and only) NWN podcast a few months back. I think this is a really interesting unique approach for promoting work, and also for examining the different ways of telling a story in a novel and in the computer game format, and hope it's well recieved.
I told ActorOfVeil that you would be the perfect voice actor to take on the role of a powerful Esper. It seems that he took my advice to heart. We need to hear that awesome voice in more modules, not just in Elemental Plane of Rats. :D
Hehe, I think my singing is the reason why I should NEVER have my voice heard in public again! ;)
Not sure i'm happy with first recording so might try them again. Had most fun doing the Heeurgh sounds for the voice set!
Hah! Any chance of you posting up a few of your favorite outtakes? :) And thanks for the plug!
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