..but we did both just score a pretty sweet hat-trick!
(Soccer reference might be lost on some of you, but any fellow Liverpool fans will know what I mean!)
Check out the AME NWN2 Golden Dragon winners here
Proud, humbled and guilty given some of the competition.
Slowly getting back to reality after my wedding a fortnight ago. Was a great, but exhausting day. It was fun to see the guests reaction (depending on comprehension) to the geeky touches I'd put in - my bride walked down the ailse to the refrain from The Princess Bride, each guest recieved a custom six-sided die with our names and the date on the 1 spot (in the planescape font AvalonQuest), and the tables were named "Worthington", "Braddock", "Wilson", "Bishop" and "Wagner" - 50 xp for anyone spotting the connection! ;)