This is me just before the final battle kicks off...
And this is me a few minutes later...
I'm really hoping people get a kick out of playing this. It's not a style to everyone's taste (mine included being story-lite), but I've had a blast building it, and I hope that shows. I'm upoading to the Vault as we speak but it may take some time (>600Mb in optimised RAR files). Will post again once it's approved.
Congrats on the upload, now prepare yourself for the onslaught of bugs and people shouting "omg there's not enough story/companions/romances". :)
Really looking forward to playing this so I hope I can get some playtime in!
Can I romance Keraptis? :p
@starwars - yeah the bug reports will be daunting, as well as those who don't 'get it'. Still, I reckon it should be fun!
@CW - you can give it a go ;)Joking aside, I do wonder about making him a better villain than I did. You never face him in the pen and paper modules, so I'm extrapolating here. And there isn't much exposition or foreshadowing. And whilst that wasn't a desgin goal as I wanted this fairly light and unobtrusive in terms of story-telling, it's something that may detract from the game for some players. I can always go back and retcon things...
That's so good to hear. Congratulations Wyrin!
It suits us perfect because Tuesday next week we probably start up our new 3 person gaming group.
I love that first screenshot - very epic, indeed!
Just downloaded after a couple years away from gaming - looks *great*!
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