The last sidequest area I finished was the Dungeon of Swords - the loadscreens of each area involved in this overland map location are below. It started off as a mid-level dungen crawl, but then I got kinda vindictive and threw in some higher level beasties with tricks up their sleeves to spice things up a bit, including a half-balor half-dragon I thought would be fun!
Back to it - and hopefully some clear time over the weekend to focus. Been starting to think how I'll handle hosting the campaign for testing; any good reccomendations for hefty filesizes (haks total ~250Mb compressed, and modules more) with stable connectivity (had too many clunk out on big downloads)?

Hell yes! Excellent looking load screens - awesome looking areas. Great design!
Another great job by the looks of the screenshots!
Well done yet again. :)
I used dropbox to host. Up two 2 gigs is free. Speeds are fast.
Also, nice loadscreens :-)
Awesome loadscreens! Love that font!
I used Filefront.
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