Finally back home, back to the joys of UK public transport and delays on the trains from the airport, back to
British sandwiches which pale into insignificance next to
American ones (pastrami and
swiss FTW!), back to poor customer service, back to everything being twice the price...
ahh, home! San Diego was fun, if a little hot for my tastes. Got to see Arnie in the flesh (shorter than you'd think), party on the top deck of the
USS Midway (bigger than you'd think), drink too much
Sam Adams (nicer than I'd thought), and see the Padres beat the Detroit Tigers at the baseball (much more fun than I expected). Man, you guys are really into your sports statistics..!
Well, thanks for the support in the last post. Very much appreciated. I was doing a quick email check before I left the hotel and spotted on the
Bioware forums that the AME Golden Dragon winners for
NWN2 had been announced. Links to the right, and in the other blogs that have posted already. I'm the very proud recipient of the Best
Roleplaying Module. Winning, especially in this category, means a lot.
Roleplaying is what I enjoy, and what I wanted to achieve. Plus my two favorite modes were up against me! - Subtlety of
Thay and H&C. When I started DA, I did wonder if people would 'get it', and I'm glad so many did. So thanks again, to players, community and the AME. Cue me crying like
Gwynneth Paltrow....
If you
havent already, check out the
AME forums and the
NWN Podcast ceremony, completely trouser free!
So, flying 25 hours in the past week gave me time to watch quite a few films/shows I'd been meaning to get round to thanks to in-flight entertainment. complete with
Four Word Film review synopsis
Cloverfield - not great to watch in turbulence due to camcorder filming (
bleurgh!) but OK film.
Aliens level Manhattan overnight No Country for Old Men - love
Coen brothers movies, and loved this. Lived up
to the press.
Fun with an Air-Gun There will be Blood - I'm fascinated in history by the period of time, 19
th through to very early 20
th century American - how the growing frontier was explored and settled. Grew from my love of westerns when i was young. I found this film fascinating if slightly uncomfortable viewing.
Daniel Day-Lewis shows what acting is about. Worth checking out.
Oil man's slippery downfall Persopolis - I'm a big fan of animation - especially
Japanese anime, and comics/graphic novels. I'd heard good things about this film based on an autobiographical graphic novel about a young girl growing up in Iran, moving to the west, then returning. Enjoyed it a lot.
Ran from Iran, returned
Also saw Semi-Pro and AvP2 but stopped half way through. Pity as I'm usually up for some Alien vs predator cheesy action, but wasn't taken with it. Watched some TV comedy - mainly Family Guy, old Red Dwarf. Also saw some more of Flight of the Conchords, which is great stuff. Didn't get much of a chance to read some of the Salvatore books I took with me - but did find a copy of a graphic novel version of the early Drizzt stuff, which I picked up.
OK, enough of the self-indulgent blog stuff. OK, one more quick thing - I got 4th edition D&D books - waiting for me when I got home. Really not sure what to make of it yet. I always hated the old school D&Ders who refused to even look at later editions just because it represented change. But I find myself falling into that a little with 4e. Some changes I think make sense, but others leaving me a little cold. For a new system it seems interesting. But I don't think they've achieved the goal of making D&D more simple. More on that some other time.
Basically, there's nothing to report with DA3. Coupla early stage screenies from the opening area. Going to be doing exterior work for the next few weeks I think as I lay some of the ground work.