Trial overland map coming along - some more placeables and colouring to do. Been tricky to build in toolset and fully appreciate the effect of a fixed camera angle on the view in game. Started on the 2da system for wandering monsters too. The rules-lawyer DM in me is enjoying the number-crunching part of that. As an aside, I'm hoping someone wil come up with some different Overland Map GUI - SoZ's default is OK, but could be much more...

Looking really good. If I didn't know better, I would guess those shots came right out of SoZ. Nice work Wyrin.
Yeah, very nice job on this. Looks awesome.
thanks guys. Yeah I deliberately kept with the SoZ texture scheme for the large part. Also makes the 6 texture limit easier to handle as on the map scale you can be caught with quite a few different terrain types in close proximity. Especially bordering anauroch..!
It's looking absolutely awesome, Wyrin.
looking great Wyrin! :)
Very nice ... :) It does make me want to try to work in an SoZ style map somewhere. ;)
Just curious ... How would you change the SoZ map GUI then?
Thanks Lance.
Re. the GUI - i was thinking something less obtrusive but a bit more function would be nice. Something to show current terrain, danger level, letting you see distance to/from certain locations and their heading.
Yeah this is very nice Wyrin,
I have to admit I was trying to duplicate Obsidians job on the overland map too before I finally just gave up and said screw this I'm doing it my way.
You have really nailed Obsidian's style of Overland map. While the areas I'm doing look really nice on their own terms, yours actually look more like an overland map. Mine look more like a highly detailed area.
Looking good. Nice texturing.
Now, I look at all these sandy beaches, and can't help seeing myself on the Riviera Maya again. ;)
Hi Wyrin,
They sound like some good ideas .. :)
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