Friday, April 03, 2009



am I really thinking of expanding my dabbling into a proper project which is going to run away from me again....

...might need a sanity check...


Anonymous said...

go on, you know you want to :P

Wyrin said...

LOL I asked for that..!

Frank Perez said...

Modding is not a pastime. It's a way of life. Heed the whispering voices in your head. I do it all the time. Mwahahahaha!

EC said...

Ya, he got you there Wyrin! :)

Details, we want details! Share with us. Maybe we can help you make up your mind. ;)

Wyrin said...

hehe thanks guys - not the sanity check i was maybe after ! ;P

well, i'd done the dabbling with a specific end in mind, but not necessarily with an aim to finish it - more just to keep my hand in. But I think the modding as a way of life point might be the issue....and I enjoy it...

Raith Veldrin said...

An all too familiar dillema. I'm having to smack myself to stay focused on finishing up the half-done's before breaking new ground...but the temptation.

Anonymous said...

Find one other person to work with. Not a "team" - not a shop. Help them build their dream with most the credit to them and most the stress to them.

Then decide on your idea