OK, so first test module out of the way, toe dipped in the water, a few bites, ego suitably stroked, it was time for the next project. My own story. Although i'd enjoyed following a 'script' with PotSP in that i could follow the written module, I'd become keen to try from a blank canvas, and towards the end of building PotSP, several ideas were circling round my head. And thus Dark Avenger was born.
To be honest, even now I still have doubts about the idea; mainly as it hints at what a sad old wannabe-rocker I am. Dark Avenger is a song by the band ManOwaR, a heavy/power metal band who often used to be pictured in animal furs and with swords. Bit of a joke to some, but I do love many of their songs - they do good battle metal such as their retelling of the fall of Troy. And they also hold the title of loudest band in the world.... but enough rambling...
Dark Avenger opens, as all good epic metal songs do, with a slow narration, by the great actor Orson Welles. It tells of a man wronged and murdered, spurned by the Underworld and sent back to seek revenge. It's something that has always captured my imagination. In doing the introductory sequence to PotSP, I'd seen some of the cinematic feel you can give a module. So I decided to use the narrative from Dark Avenger as the introduction to my new module. A bare bones from which I could build a great story about revenge. A dark feel, playing a little with tones such as inner battles between good and evil; revenge brings out the darker side of the personality, and can the PC keep that in check? Revenge can affect more people than those immediately involved, creating a cycle of revenge. All great themes to play with.
Next time, I'll post on my Flashback idea - how the player can create his own story.
REVIEW: Sun County
9 hours ago
Looking forward to the module. I, too, am an old rocker and remember ManoWar very well... ah, the 80s...
THanks! AM looking into a decent soundtrack for this too to represent the darker mood... I enjoy the old 80s metal....tho sadly my hairs not as long as it used to be
Hah ha! It somehow warms my heart to hear that some folks around here listen to bands like Manowar. A bit of a joke, of course - well, quite a bit - but, then, I, too, fondly remember some of their older stuff (from the times of ballads like Heart of Steel, etc. - the Troy etc. album is the newest one that I have, if I still have it...) Yeah, I don't actually listen to them anymore.
My hair still is pretty long. The albums that I last bought were the new ones from Megadeth and Paradise Lost. It's funny how even bands like that are starting to be really old school stuff. You know, daddies who listen to such bands are pretty cool, or something like that... :D
Oh, and the mod sounds really promising, anyway. I just got a bit carried away by that mention of Manowar...
Hehe. Its one of those guilty secrets, admitting I quitelike Manowar. Not so much their curretn stuff but some of the early stuff was great! Paradise lost was one of those bands I liked what i heard but never took the time to dig out more, which i probably should
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