Call it silly season, too much sun (in the UK??), or whatever...
Just got back from my planar jaunt with my sanity in tatters... the results are on the vault
The Elemental Plane of Rats - the mother of all 'Rats in the Cellar' quests!
So anyways, I follow the old man through the portal and find myself in an inn. A kindly looking old woman greets me with a smile. Obviously, I needed a drink and some information, but sadly, she informed me that she wasn't able to think about any of that whislt she had this problem in her cellar. Turns out there was a rat problem - big rats, that needed the heroic type to sort out. Eating all her grain, drinking her mead, running a protection racket, polluting the river and turning babies into oil to power their gas-guzzling motorised carriages. I'd never heard of the like! Couldn't resist the moist glistening in her rheumy eyes as she begged for my help, so off I trundled down the stairs....
it was one of those nagging things in the back of my head - an idea I just had to put to rest. I'd even come up with a jingle/theme tune for crissakes... So I figured I'd spend a weekend on it, get it out of my system, and move on. Maybe someone can enjoy a moments distraction with it.
But hey, it offers scalable gameplay to any level, infinite gameplay time... Give the peoples what they want I say! What more can you ask for?!
...apart from asking for the singing to stop....
"Dear JB" Mailbag #3
2 hours ago
I'll be playing this tonight - dude, you've totally "gone there" and that rocks!
You are a very brave man to have done what you did. I'll be watching players' reactions to your mod to see if it's safe for me to do something similar. :P
Holy rats! This calls for a close investigation. *downloading*
I suppose that warm British ale has finally got you :)
Rats and more rats.
Yes! Now I know what I will be doing when I just can't get that script to work, vent some rage and kill some rats.
Great work making that classic cliche into an addicting hack and slash.
Several of my previous characters gave it a go through but in the end the rats won. Even my gnome barbarian now lays in that cellar. Great job.
thanks guys
joking aside, there's something to it I think for playing with builds - but balance gets a bit skewed..
Is it possible to play it with a group formed by a cleric and a fighter?
I have the theory that there's a portal inside our washing machine through which our left socks are transported to a desert world populated by Bedouins that make their tents out of said socks.
And now, I go off to playing this.
- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
@ anonymous - should be playable in multiplayer with any combination
@ jazhara - yeah I think there's another one wheree all my biros/pens disappear- maybe they use them as tent poles?
Don't expect too much now..!
Move over Dark Avenger. Here is a REAL mod. Sounds really funny...
Rather cool blog you've got here. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
Bella Kuree
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