Whilst booting up the toolset last night, ready to continue my work in a linear fashion, a wizzened old hermit lept out from behind my bookcase, and begged me to help him. Turns out there's a portal behind my bookcase - who knew? All of a sudden i found myself with three choices - help him, ignore him, or kill him. My girlfriend would kill me if i got blood onthe carpet, so I thought the best thing to do to get him outm of the house as quickly as possible was to go along with him. So looks like I'm doing something else for a little while...
Quick poll to the left - the first half of Chapter 3 will be a standalone sidequest (much like the Raven's Lake area in CHapter 2) and be based on a pen-and-paper module. So I was wondering if there's any interest in converting it as a standalone SP/MP module in parallel. If people aren't sick of me already of course :p
The Articles of Dragon: "The SF 'universe'"
1 hour ago
I can't believe this happened to you too.
The summer is time for side quest.
Mine doesn't involve a hermit or thankfully blood on the carpet. But is instead a hack and slash on a boat in my backyard damn dry rot.
It is a tough call. I do like the idea of a monsterous side-quest that COULD get missed, but an amazing experience for those that discover it.
You could do what I had originally planned for the Undermill of Ruins of Kazatharis. Make it a Multiplayer adventure that resides within the Single Player experience. Players could go through the story on their own, or load up into the starting town with friends and opt to explore the MP portion. Dual-Purpose module.
As much as I wanted to do this, I ended up needing the area for the SP Story so I had to shelve the idea. Although, I still think it would be cool to have a 2-for-1 combo.
Damn! That guy seems to pop up everywhere. O_O
I have some new bug reports to post. Just have to find my notes again...
Blame it on me having recently moved to my new computer. It turns my regular Chaos into "Choas".
- :) :) :) :) :) :)
Behind that bookcase, is their a portal also to the plane of rats? ;)
why yes, E.C., how did you guess? Barely escaped with my sanity! ;)
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