Sunday, March 30, 2008

When good scripts go bad!

Or "The importance of playtesting for balance". Took this screenie on a quick run-through of a 'trap' I scripted for an arena. Needless to say, the trap went a bit haywire, and my poor debug character was getting chewed to pieces. Made me giggle


Josh said...

Looks like someone really wanted you dead. ;)

Wyrin said...

yeah, i messed up the creature randomisation part of the script, so every 2 seconds, dire ears were appearing, and my debug Frenzied Beserker which can handle most things, was getting swamped. Toned it down a little..

Jclef said...

HahaHA - when dire animals attack!

I could see how that would make you laugh. Especially if you weren't expecting it!

EC said...

I love how the dire bears all dip their heads at the same time, no doubt going in for seconds (assuming there is anything left of your char at that point of course.)

Wyrin said...

hehe, it was a case of me giglging in dispair when a really munchkin playtest PC was just absolutely mauled by the synchronised bear team!

Amraphael said...

Haha:):) That was a pretty funny shot. Must have been a interesting experience when you play tested it.

Jazhara7 said...

I only just realised that those brown bumps in the middle of the screenshots are Dire bears...ouch. That's gotta hurt. o_O

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I come to think of the classic Razorback movie, where a real hog from hell was introduce in the horror movie genre. Thing is here the poor PC seem to get Razorback multiplied by 15 into his lap in practically no time! :lol: