Well, it's almost there. I'm a bit worried I'm rushing the end parts slightly, but part of me is keen to just have something out there being tested. If I'm lucky I'll have something out by the end of the weekend, if not next, at least with placeholder conversations. I played back through chapter 1 twice to pick a save game to send out for people to start chapter 2 with. Strangley I really enjoyed playing a Ftr1/Wiz3 but struggled big time with a spirit shaman build. I think as there is no companion that's a big arcane caster, they can shine a little more. Playtesting will help get the balancing right - from my brief checks so far, it seems really tough, but the I've often thought that before to be told it's just right or people like tough fights...
Other big news is that Delak is going to help me build Marsember - he's putting his Idylls of the Rat King on hold briefly to help me out, and I hope to be able to return the favour at some point. This toolset can be a cruel mistress sometimes, so I know how tricky it can be to stick with something, and acheive what you want in a realistic timeframe - I laughed when i read at the end of DA Chapter 1 epilogue that the sequel would be out in Winter 08...!
Still having real trouble getting a conversation to fire after resting - see this thread. No amount of delays and backlups sem to let me get this dialogue working - anybody out there have any ideas?
The Articles of Dragon: "The SF 'universe'"
2 hours ago
A possible release by the end of the weekend is great news. I look forward to taking a break from modding to give it a play through.
As for the rest conversation issue would it be possible to have the conversation before sleeping? While setting camp and unrolling bedrolls and such then fire the rest event at the end of the conversation?
Great to see you are so close! Can't wait to give it a try.
I am looking forward to helping Wyrin out on his next chapter of DA and hope my areas will meet the need.
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